
CareUEyes Pro Pro Unlocked Free Download [Latest]

CareUEyes Pro Portable New Update

CareUEyes Pro is a very useful eye care software as it helps you reduce eye strain and give your eyes rest. The improper brightness settings of the PC screen is one of the major sources of eye strain, as it contains blue lights. But, using this software you can now get rid of those blue lights by applying the blue light filter on the screen.

CareUEyes Pro Pro Unlocked Free Download [Latest]


Prevent eye strain

Blue light is a kind of light with short wavelength and high energy, which is easy to flicker. It will decrease visual contrast and affect sharpness, cause eye strain. CareUEyes filters the blue light by adjusting the color temperature. The lower the color temperature, the less blue light the screen emits.

Reduce eye pain

Too bright or too dark screen brightness can cause eye irritation. CareUEyes automatically adjusts the screen brightness approximately the same as the brightness around you. CareUEyes adjusts the brightness without PWM, avoid causing flicker problems.

Reduce vision problems

Laboratory studies have shown that too much exposure to blue light can damage retinal cells. This can cause vision problems like age-related macular degeneration. Using CareUEyes to reduce blue light can reduce vision problems.

Improve sleep

Blue light at night can suppress melatonin production and cause sleep problems. If you have a history of sleeping problems, you can use CareUEyes to minimize the blue light at night.

How To Install it?

  1. It is very easy to install this tool
  2. First of all, you have to download the tool by clicking on the link of the tool from the download section.
  3. After this, extract the tool on the desktop.
  4. If you are asked a password, then you have been given a password, they can copy and paste.
  5. When the tool is extracted, you will see a .exe, an executive file. As soon as you open it, you will see all the options unlocked by the tool.

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What's New

  1. Optimize night mode logic.
  2. Optimize CPU performance and reduce memory usage.

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