
Precautions - Unlocking Mobile phones Avoid major problem

Be careful when unlocking mobile phones to avoid major problems

Use caution when unlocking mobile devices to avoid serious issues.

The owner of a mobile phone repair business Pawan Ji described an important problem he came into when he unlocked a customer's phone without the required documentation. A few days later, someone was taken into custody on suspicion of stealing the phone. During asking by the police, the subject showed to them that Pawan ji had unlocked the phone for him. The police called Pawan Ji and asked him some questions. Pawan ji had a lot of difficulties even though he received no punishment.

Precautions - Unlocking Mobile phones Avoid major problem 2023


Take Care - Unlocking mobile phones Avoid an important problem

Take precautions:

When unlocking mobile phones, safety precautions as follows need to be followed:

Always request the phone box or bill from the customer.
Obtain the customer's signatures on a written consent letter.
Ask the customer if there is any important data on the phone before unlocking it.
Inform the customer that unlocking the phone could result in the loss of any important data on it.

Additional information:

Pawan Ji said that he has also made videos on his YouTube channel about the precautions to be taken when unlocking mobile phones. He urged his audience to watch these videos and take precautions.

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  1. Oh! dear, this is very rampant here in our place too, sometimes is the case is severe it even leads to imprisonment or big sum penalty, for phone now carries our vital information, so better ask for ownership proof or police or court concent document. Thank you


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