
FREE iCloud Bypass for A6 devices Bypass Hello Screen iPhone 5 and iPhone 5C

FREE iCloud Bypass for A6 devices Bypass Hello Screen iPhone 5 and iPhone 5C [FREE]

In this post, I have the latest version of the tool which supports iPhone 5-5c for unlock activation lock. the tool only supports the Mac operating system if you have Windows OS then please ignore it. in this post, I have shown you how you can use or which way to work on your Apple device. first, check you have performed the tool function on only supported models, it is soft brick your device and you need to flash IPSW firmware on your Apple device.

How is work?

New tool for iCloud Bypass for A6 devices Bypass Hello Screen A6 iOS 10 supported. Codebreaker A6 software:
New Mac tool for iPhone 5 and iPhone 5C A6 iPhone only
bypass Hello Screen A6 [FREE] iPhone 5-5c Bypass Hello screen
– sync iCloud work ✅
– untethered without baseband removed / ✅
– no sim with PIN note; but if you see the message “No Sim-Card” enter SIM card with PIN, but no need)
no signal ❌
Bypass Passcode A6 [FREE]
iPhone 5-5c – sync iCloud work ✅
– untethered work✅
– Signal 3G/4G work ✅
iOS 10 support !!

What's new

CodeBreakerRemoval v3.0 (Windows)

One Click to Auto Remove Find My iPhone

- No Need Proxy
- No Need for iTunes Backup
- No Need for Elcomsoft to Find Any Tokens
- All iOS Supported.

- iPhones/iPads that ask for passwords when turned off/on the game center Are Not Supported.

- Macbooks that ask password when turning off/on the keychain Are Not Supported.

- Bypassed devices Are Not Supported.
- Make sure iTunes is installed from the web, not Microsoft Store.


- Delete all apps, videos, and photos from the device.

- Register Your Serial Number (No UDID, AppleID)
- Connect the device to WiFi, turn OFF the game center then turn it ON.

- Open the tool, and connect your device.

- Click on the "Start" button.

Download Link

CodeBreaker Tool For Windows (Version 3.0): Download [Latest] [Password: 1234]

CodeBreakerA6 Tool Mac: Download [Link Updated]

🚨 Important Notice:

I have published software for users. Before installation, please scan it with your antivirus software. If any virus is detected, do not use it.

I am not responsible for any issues caused by using any software. If you find any software on my website that is not working, has a broken link, or any other issue, simply email me at:

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