
GCT Pack Free Released For All Users 2024

GCT (Global Cracking Team) All Tools Free To Download and Used 2024

In 2024, someone named Ram Sevak released a bunch of phone tools called the GCT Pack for free. This toolbox lets you fix and unlock your phone. GSM Asif Khan and his crew are usually in charge of these tools, but Ram Sevak apparently found a way to skip the security checks so everyone could get it for free.

What's inside:

GCT Pack Overview

The GCT Pack is a set of software which specially needed to repair any Android or iOS device at the software level. the GCT Pack allows users to perform or open a box dongle which is only possible with only paid tool, but Asif Khan who was doing the all-security bypass and developed their own pack and sold their tool on a website or social site. but Ram Sevak who was especially challenged by GSM Asif Khan bypassed all repack security of the tool and making free for all users. now any user can access the all tools of the GCT Pack and free to pay subscription.

Supported Tools

- DFT PRO v3.70 & v3.80
- Cheetah Tool Pro
- RTC Tool
- DT Pro
- Griffin Unlocker
- TFM QCN Module
- UAT Pro
- DF Tool
- Error Fix

How to use it?

To use this tool, please follow these steps:

1. Download all the necessary files from the link provided.
2. Extract the files using the password provided.
3. Install the GCT Universal Loader.
4. Move the "LET DO IT" Folder files to the C:\Global_Cracking_Team\Universal_Loader folder.
5. Run the "PROJECT_FOR_SHREE_RAM.exe" file and wait for the tools to execute.
6. In the next window, click on the "RAM RAM JI" button.
7. You will be asked to activate the tool and enter the activation key, which is provided below.
8. Once the tool is successfully registered, you can install all the required software.

Video Guide How to use: Link Here
Please note that you must comply with all relevant laws and regulations when using this tool.

Note: if any issues then contact me on my Telegram Group: or activate the If you do not understand then mention in the telegram I will help you without any charge in your free time.

Download Link:


Password: RAM_RAM_JI , Global_Cracking_Team, 123

Activation Key


Login DFT, RTC, and All Tool


Password: RAMSEVAK9180

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